
Archive for May, 2009

The Palmetto Apartments - Our New Home

The Palmetto Apartments - Our New Home

It’s been an eventful week:  I hit 500 sales on Etsy, went apartment hunting in Spartanburg, SC, went canoeing on Lake Carnegie in Princeton, found a tick in my armpit, and finished my jewelry class at the 92nd Street Y.  So, a bit of good and a bit of bad. 

The tick I was rather unhappy about, and I’m not sure if I picked it up while out and about near the lake, or if it hitched a ride back from the south (a similar one briefly landed on me there, too).  I’m sad that my class has ended; I was getting a lot out of it.  Because it was an independent study course, I didn’t learn a lot in terms of new techniques, but it did help to refine what I already do know, and it allowed me to experiment with more complex and challenging designs. 

On the flip side, sales in general have been fairly good this month, despite the ongoing economic saga, and it was nice to reach that numerical goal of 500 in my main Etsy shop.  The trip to Spartanburg wasn’t exactly a saga, but it was a fairly intense three days.  After being shown a sizable collection of houses, townhouses, condos and apartments, Levi and I decided to sign a one-year lease for an apartment that is probably the nicest place I will ever live.  Seriously.  No joke.  It is huge and beautiful.  The photos on the website linked above (click on the photo) don’t do it justice and actually make the various units look rather grotty.  I promise I’ll post our own photos when we get there.  I’ll have my own studio space; Levi and I will have plenty of room and won’t get in each other’s hair.  Hell, we probably won’t even be able to find each other! 

In the meantime, we’re here in Princeton for another two months that promise to be just as eventful.

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Jewelry Porn, originally uploaded by antigenre.

Jewelers and metalsmiths, admit it – you’ve drooled over these books! I discovered this series in my jewelry class at the 92nd Street Y and went right out and bought the lot of them. FYI, they’re much cheaper on Amazon than they are at the Marketfair Barnes & Noble. They are great sources of inspiration and, along with my class itself, have forced me to think a bit about the direction my work should be going in. It is definitely time to start getting some advanced training, refining my style, and developing a cohesive body of work.

Levi and I will be leaving New Jersey toward the end of the summer (this I have some mixed feelings about), and I will no longer have access to all the resources of NYC (this, I’m NOT happy about at all!). We’re headed to South Carolina, so I’ve spent a bit of time looking around for schools and other institutions in the area that offer training in metals and jewelry. Oddly enough, the Carolinas seem to be full of crafty types, and there are a number of respectable schools within a few hours drive of where I’ll be living. One in particular is the Penland School of Crafts, which offers eight-week workshops in a number of fields. Haywood Community College of Professional Crafts is another nearby option. So I have some decisions to make and some money to save up, but these are very exciting possibilities.

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